This homepage was created to collect and share information about Vladislavs Litaunieks, a priest and martyr. We also have a map of Roman Catholic parishes of Latvia and other locations where Holy Masses have taken place or will be celebrated to initiate the beatification procedure of martyr Fr. Vladislavs Litaunieks and all persons involved in this process.
You are welcome to:
- - pray for the promotion of the beatification procedure of martyr Fr. Vladislavs Litaunieks;
- - pray for everyone who has worked or is working to promote this process;
- - ask for a Holy Mass to be offered in your own parish to promote the beatification procedure of martyr Fr. Vladislavs Litaunieks praying for all persons involved;
- - and keep us updated so we can publish the information about the places and times of the Holy Masses taking place on the map of the Bonfires of Prayers;
- - join our team, if you feel encouraged to assist initiating the beatification of martyr Fr. Vladislavs Litaunieks in a special way.